Featured services
Restructure lease and debt
Find smart cost reductions, and learn how you can increase your liquidity, reduce costs, and minimize lease and debt liabilities. Manage your retail liabilities aggressively and creatively.
Transform with technology
Take advantage of technology and evolving customer needs to bring your retail environment and experiences to your customers – online and in real life.
Invest in retail property
Access capital and retail assets all over the world. Get advice on financing and other creative ways to ensure a successful investment strategy.
Develop your brand strategy
Access tools, data, and market intelligence to assess locations, target customers, create great environments, and sort out your supply chain.
Renovate or redevelop
Evolve your retail space to keep pace with the ever-changing experiential and consumer-driven retail world. Get upsides in rent through F&B upgrades, alternative use, or complete overhaul of retail space.