
Invest in the residential market. Diversify portfolio, change the city in your own way.

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Discover buying and selling opportunities for residential assets and other property in the Living field. Get the best support in the transaction process.

Access insight

Make decisions based on current data and dedicated market analyses. Track trends, analyse competitors’ activities and homebuyers’ preferences. Discover forecasts for the coming years.

Get advice

Obtain expert support, best use analysis and project recommendations for residential real estate. Get accurate property valuations and advice.

Invest or develop

Find investment opportunities, source capital at a competitive rate, and get due diligence support. Get access to market knowledge and current data to make development decisions.

Buy or sell

Get access to residential land investment opportunities and contact to potential buyers. Achieve maximum returns.


Let our experts prepare Developer’s Act prospectuses to be able to sell residential units on the Polish residential market. Get recommendations on sales strategies and marketing activities.

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Talk to us about residential real estate

How to get access to the current research, prepare development project or invest capital?

Paweł Sztejter Head of Living Investment

Aleksandra Gawrońska Head of Residential Research